Personal Contact person & Ready-to-go Project

Our method
Over the years, Tecnospo has become more and more specialized in designing and realizing services and supplies for any kind of industrial branch. Our team can handle the whole manufacturing process, from the production to the ready-to-go delivery of custom-made plants and automatic machinery.

1) Clients demand
From the first time we meet our clients, we ask them to explain the different aspects of the issues they are dealing with. After listening carefully to clients’ needs, we proceed to analyze them and we eventually propose the most ideal and appropriate solutions.

2) Design
Our specialized team is responsible for the whole design phase providing its know-how in each phase of the project, from the initial analysis to the research of raw materials to work with.

3) Manufacturing
Manufacturing and assembly are carried out by certified quality external companies which are accredited by our quality control system; we select all these companies according to the kind of project they are going to develop.
Outsourcing has proven to be fundamental to always keep high qualitative standards

4) Installation
During manufacturing, as well as in installation, our company always supervises and coordinates the whole process, delivering a product in full compliance with clients’ initial demand.
In addition, Tecnospo and its internal technical team can provide full assistance to all its products.

Addr. Pontebari, 65/a
Loc. S. Venanzo
06049 Spoleto (PG)
+39 0743.260401
+39 0743.267082